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Fri, May 17


QCA/ Ofrenda Fest

Sacred Feminine Cacao Circle

A Gathering of Empowerment and Connection for Women. Women's Caco Circle.

Sacred Feminine Cacao Circle
Sacred Feminine Cacao Circle

Time & Location

May 17, 2024, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM

QCA/ Ofrenda Fest, 5-11 47th Ave, Long Island City, NY 11101, USA

About the event

As women, we are powerful conduits of creation, with the ability to nurture and cultivate life within the sanctuary of our wombs. This sacred space, a vessel of our deepest essence, holds the key to the divine feminine that flows through our veins.

In this unique opportunity, we embark on a journey of movement with power of cacao. This dance is designed to rejuvenate our chakras, the vital energy centers within our bodies. By participating in this ceremonial dance, we will open our hearts to the ancient wisdom of this medicine, promoting wellness and inner harmony.

Guided by the Founder of Ofrenda Fest America Maldonado.

America's spiritual journey began in 2017 when she decided to reconnect with ancestral traditions. As a documentarian, she engaged with elders and traditions worldwide. During this journey, she encountered Cacao, which marked the beginning of her healing and evolution.

Inspired by the efforts of indigenous communities and guardians of ancient traditions, America established Ofrenda Fest. A platform where Art and Ritual merge in Ceremony, providing a space for reconnection with the earth and communal healing.

Since 2022, indigenous leaders have participated in Ofrenda Fest, where they share their wisdom through ceremonies. Some of her closest guides include The Mayan Z’tzutujil Nana Marina from Guatemala, Yolanda Porcayo and Lupita Lares from the Mexica tradition, and Tuwe Bake Inu Hunikuin from Brazil, among others. Currently, America is exploring Meditation and Sacred Geometry as methods to decode traumas and hidden codes within our bodies. She incorporates rituals, sound, and plant medicine into her practices. Keep an eye out for her new offerings at Ofrenda Fest.

Prepare for Ceremony:

As a sacred ritual practiced for thousands of years, be open and receptive to the spiritual journey that the cacao plant offers. Remember, this is not just a ceremony, it's an experience that allows both mind and body to delve into our spirt to to depend our connection with everything.

We will embark on dance journey to revitalize and energize our bodies with Music and guided by the power of the elements, we aim to foster a sense of unity and embrace our feminine power as a collective.

Join us in ceremony ️❤️


  • Women's Cacao

    From $25.00 to $44.00
    • $25.00
      +$0.63 service fee
    • $33.00
      +$0.83 service fee
    • $44.00
      +$1.10 service fee



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