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Image by russn_fckr
Paint Tubes

Ofrenda Art Community


we are committed to the mission of providing a creative environment that promotes healing thru art enriching their connection within ourselves and with the community. we are committed to create an experience that is natural, insightful, meditative and conscious.

Acrylic Paint

Our vision

We envision art as a tool to align and transcend a community with their creative potentials individually and collectively to cultivate conscious awareness about the self and the all.

Image by russn_fckr

Creating space

Creating a community means everyone is aware and involved of the physical and social aspects of this space. we remind them to be respectful and ethical with others and the workspace. we always instruct the group to help clean up after their work and assist them in organizing the space during and after every art sessions.

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Ofrenda Art Open call 2024

For the fourth time, Ofrenda Fest opens its doors to celebrate the four elements: Air, Water, Fire, and Earth through Art, Painting, Photography, Film, Music, and Rituals Ceremony.


"Art as a way of healing." We invite all artists and Indigenous communities to participate in our art exhibit, focusing on the four elements: fire, water, air, and earth, to spark dialogue and awaken our consciousness in spirituality. Through art, we can remember that we are connected with the planet.


Lear more about the application process here 

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Ofrenda Artists


Alfredo Zagaceta

​ @alfredozagaceta

Alfredo Zagaceta is from Pucallpa, the Ucayali region of the Peruvian Amazon Jungle. Apprenticing under Pablo Amaringo, he lived and worked with him in exchange for his school’s tuition at the Amazon School of Painting. For 4 years Zagaceta learned English, helped with daily chores, and immersed himself in jungle wisdom. With an ability to perceive the metaphysical realms, he interprets scenes into the canvas Zagaceta has participated in collective exhibitions in various parts of Peru, US, Europe, and Japan. His paintings hang in the International Museum of Children’s Art in Norway and has participated in the film, “and so I tell them to paint.”

He currently resides in Pucallpa and paints in the Neo-Amazonico and the Amazonia sub-realistic style. He says that his passion is painting, and that he will paint until he can no longer lift a brush.


Loreto Oreckinto

Para Todas Las Reinas/ For All The Queens

I deeply connect with the element of fire. My artwork incorporates the use of bright colors and symbols that represent feminine energy, transformation, and inner strength. Just as flames grow higher and brighter, my choice of colors grew beyond typical chroma and into fluorescents. Equally, I embrace my feminine fire with a female focal point and integrated symbols that reflect that energy. With each stroke of paint I have discovered a new side of me that I didn't know existed and I have been able to transform along my painting.

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Cristina Acevedo


My work is a combination of Air, Earth, and Water. This is due to the two separate ways I have represented the deity Atabey, who is shown as a spirit in the first work (Guía Espiritual Gracias a Atabey 2021) as well as the representation of the Guabancex, the Hurricane deity of Taino mythos

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Mary Teresa Giancoli



I have always felt a deep connection to the earth and water, epecially bodies of water such as lakes and seaside. These images are from the Sian Ka'an Biosphere, a nature preserve in the Yucatan, Mexico. From a Mayan word, Sian Ka'an means the place where the sea meets the sky. Here mangroves grow above in the lagoons, and beyond lies the expanse of the Atlantic Ocean. The ancient Mayan belief was that this land was also the entrance to the underworld.

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Yumarlin (Yumi) Rodriguez


When speaking on her connection to the water element, Yumi says: "Water has been the most difficult element for me to be acquainted with; I am a fire zodiac sign, and water is the exact opposite to the fiery spirited nature I am most comfortable with. This makes 'water lessons' the most challenging for me, but it also has been the element that has taught me the most. Water can symbolize the great vast unknown-- and as someone who experiences regular bouts of depression and anxiety, it can easily feel like I am swallowed up by these mysterious dark depths. Despite this, I am learning a lot from the whale totem and how to swim in the unknown, trusting my internal navigation system to propel me on my life's journey. Shamanic whale wisdom says "The whale reminds us that we have the power to transform our lives in extraordinary ways. No matter how deep you dive, you have the capacity to propel yourself out of the depths and into fresh air." 


Eduardo Tucker


Many people including myself have felt or do feel like they are going through certain struggles alone. The SEMI-COLON movement is a symbol for those who can hopefully come to terms and understand they are not alone and that there is support. Whether it's suicidal thoughts, depression,anxiety or a number of mental health crisis, there are those of us who have been through the ringer and never gave up. I'm here to tell you that you can come out victorious, if you need help, it's out there. You matter. The hardest battles we have are with ourselves. Don't give up on yourself please, keep putting one foot in front of the other and you will be victorious. You can and will "PREVAIL"




Persephone is firmly rooted in the element of life and Earth, the goddess of spring. When she is aboveground with her mother, the earth flourishes, things grow. When she is in the afterlife with her husband, things wither and die. She is a goddess of birth, but also a goddess of death. In these two pieces I wanted to explore the human capacity for creating great things, and for destroying them. I used lush, verdant greenery and open skies to represent the growth and decay that Persephone represents. She is innocent and intimate knowledge, wisdom and foolishness, a spring and a summer and a fall and a winter.


Shavante Royster


The water element is a powerful force with the power to change all that she touches. She creates waves like a symphony and dances with the light on her surface. Her form can fill and defy any container and she stretches to fill time and space. She exists in all life and all life exists because of her.

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Sarah vaccariello


Over the past year I've made a series of four paintings. One representing each element, and each direction on the medicine wheel, and each is a portrait of a member of my medicine family. Each element has important teachings that have stood to help heal, awaken and teach me both in ceremonial spaces and in my life. I have used my painting process to integrate and celebrate these teachings and I hope my artwork can help to further the celebration of this knowledge outward to those who see it. I think art is a powerful spiritual tool!

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 Nigel Rollings


My work is deeply narrative with a dreamlike fantasy, describing sometimes dark and disturbing events,which I have responded to. The recurring theme in the paintings and drawings is

one of chaos in nature. What we know about our universe is an uneasy balance of pattern and chaos - formality and informality - what else is there?

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Maria Fernanda  Pulido-Velosa


My connection to water is currently driving most of my artistic and research projects. “In these Rivers Flow Our memories” is a mixed-media piece that captures a moment I shared with my grandmother, Trinidad, who has been living with Alzheimer’s for many years. Even though I can no longer hear her stories with words, I can still hear her voice when I listen to the rivers. She taught me (and teaches me still)  to engage in conversations with all beings, not just humans. To give and receive love from all beings, not just humans. This art piece and this moment with my grandmother are also connected to a film project I’m currently co-developing with some collaborations from Colombia and the Northeastern US. The film intends to highlight the connections between the Magdalena River and the Delaware and Hudson Rivers through their dialogues with the Lenape and the Yanakuna from the Macizo Colombiano, the birthplace of the rivers in the northern Andes. 

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Reynaldo Castro


Reinaldo Castro, through his mix-medium, clearly shows his influence with Hiper - Realizmo and Sub - Realizmo, a series called (PORTALES), where he walks us through wide landscapes and spheres, the evolution and transcendence of each person, where he leaves of course there are no limits.

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Isabella Balbi isapisa


I document conversations I have between myself and inanimate objects. Working on transparent surfaces, I use water-based paints to make visible the construction and deconstruction of paint’s materiality. In doing so, I focus on the technique of application. By applying the underpainting using a solution of water, paint residue, and my own spit, my process is one of repetition, play, and experimentation.


Jona Nati


Jona incorporates a lot of elements from nature, he is mostly inspired by street art and his Influences are esotericism, magic nature, visionary art, numerology and spiritualism molding him to create his own style and broadening his horizons on the creative field.

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Jesus Medina

Jesus Medina is a native New Yorker, born and raised in Hamilton Heights. He spent a quarter of a century exploring his neighborhood, living a humble life with an insatiable appetite for adventure. his Artwork to be showcased numerous times, getting elected for the Susan Turnbull grant for his creative prowess in 2021.



Jesus G. Rodriguez.

With this knowledge of wood at hand, I recently took on the task of rescuing pieces of wood that were usually discarded, and I began to transform them into small cubes of different sizes and heights and organize them randomly and give them textures and colors that express ideas or elements of everyday life.


Zahira Moo

Multidisciplinary Artist, Fashion Designer, Systems Engineer, Holistic Coach and Founder of the Creative Space Libélula Designer Emotion Lab. Zahira Aguilar Moó Venezuelan, based in Miami with more than 30 years of Design Experience in Fashion, 20 in Engineering, 15 years of experience in Fashion entrepreneurship.




My piece represents the fire of connection when two souls meet. The energy in this hug is the touch that heals and connects. I believe that we all have this fire within us and, when we experience it, the warmth of the energy spreads like fire to the world around us.

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Antonio Peña

Tony Flint originally from ​​Venezuela. Currently residing in Miami, Florida, USA. Profession: graphic designer, marketing technician and also graduated from the Armando Reverón School of Plastic Arts, Barcelona, ​​Venezuela. He has worked in the media as a photographer and designer; such as "The Stylist's Guide", "Macroeconomy Magazine", "Aerial Gazette", among others. Digital photography enthusiast. Philosophy enthusiast, lover and protector of nature.



Juan Esteban Usubillaga Also know as Onecho is a mestizo artist with indigenous and European ancestors. He was born In Colombia and raised in Venezuela. Onecho’s childhood is influenced by the street art and graffitis in Caracas.


Farez Hernandez

I connect with fire daily from hot meal that made to sacred fire in the ceremonies..... Fire innate our spirit, fire is the inspiration to get up in the morning and receive the fresh air.... fire is a great ancestor, teacher, friend, magician....



Brian Grogan  - FDNY Dispatcher

 I have been photographing fire and emergency scenes for almost 20 years. I am currently a FDNY Fire Dispatcher in Brooklyn. I have also served as a volunteer firefighter for the Valley Stream and Lynbrook Fire Departments for over 15 years. I am the official photographer for the FDNY Bravest Football Team.  


Catherine Lopez  


I connected my art to the element of earth. Earth and nature have always been beautiful to me and I try to replicate it in almost every work I do. In this piece I have taken a gift the earth has given us, a plant with spiritual healing properties. I added fantastical elements to my interpretation of the Ayahuasca plant due to the fact that the earth could produce its own medicine as magic in itself. Ayahuasca is a plant that grows as a vine, wrapped around the strongest trees in the Amazons of South America.

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